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White Jasmine is a floral aroma oil with fresh and spicy undertones. Its combination of notes creates a relaxing and romantic mood. The floral notes evoke feelings of love, while the fresh and spicy notes reduce stress. The warm and woody base notes add a comforting element. Use it to create a peaceful atmosphere.

Floral  + Citrus

Top notes: Coriander, Blackcurrant, Peppermint, Chamomile, Lemon, Cardamom                                                                                              Medium notes: Neroli, Rose Jasmine, Yilang                                           Base notes: Plum, Musk Tea, Guaiaca, Vetiver


Inspired by Jo Malone White Jasmine and Mint

Regular price $74.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $74.95 USD
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Care information

Store in a cool place out of the sun when not in use.

Pour the scent from the scent bottle into the bottle included with your machine.

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