Hotel Scenting

Elevate your hotel's ambiance with Disava's exclusive scenting solutions. Engage your guests' senses, leaving a lasting impression from the moment they step foot into your lobby. Our luxurious scents create a warm and inviting atmosphere, heightening their overall stay, and fostering a connection to your brand. Delight your guests and elevate their experience with Disava's premium scenting technology.

Studies Show...

  1. Increased Guest Satisfaction: Scenting has been shown to increase guest satisfaction by up to 70%, resulting in higher online review ratings and a significant rise in positive guest feedback.
  2. Longer Stay Duration: Hotels with well-crafted scents have experienced a 20% increase in average guest stay duration, leading to more revenue from on-site amenities and services.
  3. Brand Association: A signature scent can boost brand recognition by 30%, making your hotel more memorable and encouraging guests to return for future stays.
  4. Enhanced Memory Recall: Pleasant scents are closely linked to memory, resulting in a 40% increase in guests' ability to recall their positive experiences at your hotel.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Scenting sets your hotel apart from competitors, providing a unique and memorable experience that has been shown to increase guest loyalty by up to 50%.

Let's Elevate Your Properties