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Shadow Dancing has a unique and well-balanced scent profile that combines refreshing top notes of Eucalyptus and Lemon with grounding middle notes of Agarwood, Cedarwood, and Patchouli, and sweet base notes of Sandalwood, Vanilla, and Musk. This combination can create a relaxing and focused mood, making it a great choice for meditation, yoga, or unwinding after a long day.

Top Note: Eucalyptus, Lemon
Middle Note: Agarwood, Cedarwood, Patchouli
Base Note: Sandalwood, Vanilla, Musk

Regular price $39.95 USD
Regular price $54.95 USD Sale price $39.95 USD
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Care information

Store in a cool place out of the sun when not in use.

Pour the scent from the scent bottle into the bottle included with your machine.

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