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Sunkissed aroma oil has a refreshing and invigorating scent with top notes of lemon, ginger, and perilla, mid-notes of magnolia and neroli oil, and base notes of cedar and amber. This blend creates an uplifting and rejuvenating aroma that can help to promote alertness, relaxation, and balance, making it perfect for when you need a refreshing mood boost.

Top notes: Lemon, Ginger, Perilla                                                       Medium notes: Magnolia and Neroli oil                                                    Base notes: Cedar, Amber


Inspired by Jo Malone Star Magnolia and Intercontinental Hotels

Regular price $79.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $79.95 USD
Sale Sold out

Care information

Store in a cool place out of the sun when not in use.

Pour the scent from the scent bottle into the bottle included with your machine.

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