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Secret Garden is a fresh and fruity aroma oil with floral and spicy undertones. Its combination of notes can uplift and refresh you while also promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Use it when you want to feel refreshed and relaxed simultaneously.

 Fruity + Floral

Top Notes: Carrot, Grapefruit, Tomato, Mango                                 Medium Notes: Orange, Peony, Cattail Hyacinth, Lotus                        Base Notes: Lo Mdan Fat ,Iris, Cinnamon, Musk, Incense 

Inspired by Un Jardin Sur Le Nil by Hermes 

Regular price $79.95 USD
Regular price Sale price $79.95 USD
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Care information

Store in a cool place out of the sun when not in use.

Pour the scent from the scent bottle into the bottle included with your machine.

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