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California Love has a fresh and citrusy scent with notes of Green Tea, Orange, Lemon Zest, Lemongrass, Jasmine, Lily, Amber, and Musk. It can help to energize and refresh your mood with its invigorating top notes and warm, grounding base notes. Perfect for those looking to increase focus and motivation.

Top Note: Green Tea, Orange, Lemon Zest
Mid Note: Lemongrass, Jasmine
Base Note: Lily, Amber, Musk

Regular price $38.95 USD
Regular price $54.95 USD Sale price $38.95 USD
Sale Sold out

Care information

Store in a cool place out of the sun when not in use.

Pour the scent from the scent bottle into the bottle included with your machine.

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Our Scents

At Disava, we believe that fragrance is a form of art, and our fragrances are meticulously crafted to provide you with the highest quality scent experience. We use only the finest ingredients to create scents that are as luxurious as they are captivating. Our fragrances are carefully blended to provide the perfect touch - not too strong, not too weak, but just right. With Disava, you can be confident that you are experiencing the finest scents available.